Able Health is a health IT company dedicated to making value-based care work for providers has launched an end-to-end MIPS solution enabling providers to improve performance and submit data to CMS with less time, money, and stress. The new platform can ingest patient data from electronic health records and data warehouses, calculate any MIPS registry quality measure or eCQM, and provide a dashboard for administrators to track and improve a group or provider’s MIPS Composite Performance Score.
Starting on January 1, 2017, the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) is a new CMS program that combines PQRS, Meaningful Use and other reporting programs into one performance-based payment system. The program is causing significant fear among providers due to the shift to value-based payment models and overwhelming reporting burden. A Modern Healthcare survey found that three-quarters of healthcare leaders believe the administrative burden of MIPS will cause greater physician stress, and nearly half said more physicians will leave Medicare.
The dashboard was developed through a user-centered design process and educates users on program requirements in their day-to-day workflow, reducing training requirements. The technology platform includes a user-friendly way for providers to review, improve, and submit performance to CMS based on data from their EHRs. Able Health also facilitates data submission to CMS for all three reported performance categories: Quality, Advancing Care Information, and Improvement Activities.